Total Medals Earned: 20,622 (From 3,188 different games.) Total Medal Score: 412,030 Points
Medals Earned: 27/27 (500/500 points)
Find an easy treasure.
Find a....certainly unique treasure.
Find a readable treasure.
Find a lady's treasure
Collect every coin in the Airship Coin Race
Collect every coin in the Cave Coin Race
Find the treasure of the village.
Find a not very well hidden treasure.
Find a delicious treasure.
Find a design-printing treasure.
Find a gnomic treasure.
Learn from the Spirit of Body Elevation
Learn from the Spirit of Body Levitation
Learn from the Spirit of Incomplete Fist
Find a rare yet slightly familiar treasure.
Find the treasure on the Gnome Airship
Find the treasure on the waterfall
Collect every coin in the Tree Coin Race
Collect every coin in the Waterfall Coin Race
Find a bored treasure.
Find a very carefully hidden treasure.
Find a sparkly, sharp treasure.
Find an incredibly well hidden treasure.
Finish the game.
Find every treasure in the game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 21/30 (375/500 points)
The Allfather
Unlock All Treasure Chests
Discover The Ancient Tomb
Burn and Pillage
Find Tyr's Warrior Rune
Defeat The Undead Warrior
Unmatched Craftsmanship
It Is Said That Even Gods Must Die
Realm Of The Dead
Defeat Your Darkness
Buy All Of Yeveth's Items For Sale
Cataclysmic Destruction
Reunite Sisters Rikvi and Gunnhild
Find Olaf 3 Runes Of Great Power
Help Edgar Journey Across The Alfheim Sea
The Aesir Will Burn
Forge The Warrior Axe
9 Realms
Break Fenrir's Shackles
Harness The Power Of An Ancient Item
A Viking's Tale
Kill Odin's Raven Spy Hugin
Kill Odin's Raven Spy Munin
Goddesses Of Fate
Read Bragi's Poem
The Mighty Sound Of Gjallarhorn
Never Underestimate The Dwarves
Complete Norn Sister Skuld's Puzzle To View Your Future
Complete Norn Sister Urd's Puzzle To View Your Past
Complete Norn Sister Verdandi's Puzzle To View Your Present
Medals Earned: 12/20 (295/340 points)
Escape To The Realm Of Might And Strength
Find All Runes For The Animal Altar
Find All Gemstones
The Mischievous Squirrel
Rescue Lifthrasir
Lay All Lost Valkyrie Souls To Rest
Einherjar Beserker
Receive The Seer's Guidance
Help Thor Retrieve His Hammer Mjolnir
Complete The Game
End It Once And For All
Medals Earned: 2/13 (15/460 points)
Beat the boss!
Win in 2 minutes or less!
I'm there somewhere! *meow*
Destroy all the crates in the level!
Play a round with each weapon!
Get boss to half health before the final room!
Win without going below half health!
Win in 90 seconds or less!
Save all the different items!
Win in 75 seconds or less!
Win without simultaneously moving & shooting!
Win in 1 minute or less!
Earn ALL achievements!
Medals Earned: 11/11 (480/480 points)
Get more than 1000 Score
Survival more than 50 seconds
Get more than 25.000 Score
Survival more than 150 seconds
Get more than 75.000 Score
Survival more than 300 seconds
Get more than 150.000 Score
Earn more than 300.000 money
Get more than 300.000 Score
Survival more than 700 seconds
Medals Earned: 5/5 (200/200 points)
Gotta light them all
Solve a puzzle
Solve the Red Blue Puzzle
Medals Earned: 5/5 (270/270 points)
Find the knife!
Look close!
Play the piano!
Solve 2 puzzles in a row!
Medals Earned: 9/9 (240/240 points)
Look at the map!
Enter the Sewer!
Look everywhere!
Give it a bone!
Collect 25 orbs and give them to the scary thing!
Collect 3 Yin Yang balls!
Give the dragon the drum!
You soved another puzzle!
Solve a tough puzzle!
Medals Earned: 5/5 (250/250 points)
Light the only working fireplace!
Find the Purple key!
Only you can prevent village fires!
Medals Earned: 6/6 (160/160 points)
Search the mushrooms for a hidden surprise!
Start a fire!
Spot the hidden shamrock!
Help the leprechaun!
Play the flute and magic happens!