Nothing good, nothing to give a 4 for it. Sorry, but the key here is giving up.
Nothing good, nothing to give a 4 for it. Sorry, but the key here is giving up.
Good game..
But for me too, the 100 pts medal isn't working, damn! Fix it, pleez!
Awesome shooter!!
--But I need some help to find the 2nd easter egg... (PM me, plz)
Honestly, I loved so much the first Visitor, and maybe this return is even funnier than that. Congrats. Keep it up and make more!!
Good, good...
--But there is a bug with 3rd level medal, I can't get it. (PM me, plz)
Great game!
Got almost all medals, except the last secret one, that worths 10 pts. I need some help. (PM me, plz)
I love these games, dude! Make more, pleez!!
But I need a hint for the secret medal (PM me, plz).
Good, good
But I need some help with the secret medals! (PM me, plz)
Check the other reviews see if someone helps you
Fantastic game!
But how do I vote on 333 maps?! It's craziness! (PM me, plz)
Graphic Artist from Brazil.
Available for pixel art commissions only.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 9/4/10