Medals don't work!! Why?!
Medals don't work!! Why?!
They work now.
Why there's not a B33 medal inside the game? There's two B34 medals!!
And how could I get the last two medals?
Yus! approved medals?!
Yeah! I'll fix that glitch this weeknend! just bare with me ok? :D thanks
Not bad at all.
Got the insane time 139!!
--But how do I get the first medal? I still didn't get it.
Look around. There's a hidden button somewhere.
Inovation, I admit... but what's the last secret medal? Almost got all medals.
I'll give you a couple hints. Remember that the game has very simple controls. Do something you have no business doing.
This isn't good...
But what's the secret medal between "jet plane" and "tank"? and what are the three other medals after the medal "tank" in medals list?
I need to know, please.
Great game!
Almost got all medals, except for the one that appears between "bullshit, mr. han man" and "dead or alive you're coming with me" in medals list-- what is it?!
Good, good..
...bur math wiz and alien buster medals don't work! dammit!
Got all medals!! Yay!
(hint: a second player may help your way...)
Graphic Artist from Brazil.
Available for pixel art commissions only.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 9/4/10